“Did We not exalt your fame?”
reflections on the name “Muhammad”

“Did We not exalt your fame?”
reflections on the name “Muhammad”

For some time I have been thinking about the name “Muhammad” and how in recent times it is often repeated and mentioned and remains the name amongst names. No other name evokes as much emotion and interest as the name “Muhammad”.

In modern times the name “Muhammad” is not alien to Western ears and that is thanks largely, by Divine Providence, to the boxer Muhammad Ali. Muhammad Ali was the most famous man on the planet and still remains a famous and a universally loved figure, a man for all the people. The Prophet Muhammad was the man for all the people. Muhammad Ali was someone, for reasons other than religious, captured the international public’s imagination and earned their respect and honour. The name “Muhammad” spread to the far corners of the world even to the remotest of places and it became part and parcel of popular language and culture. SubhanAllah, this I believe is a Divine mechanism to ensure that the name “Muhammad” is not forgotten or fall into obscurity or become arcane, so that it remains fresh and familiar. This is also underlined by the fact that the second most popular name in the UK is “Muhammad” and so the name “Muhammad” is familiar right throughout society. Parents naming their child “Muhammad” should also be mindful of the sanctity and eminence of this name and when calling their child by this name they should be careful not to use inappropriate language when address their child by this name. They should also be extra mindful of their duties in instilling good character-traits into their child for it is a name that demands that the one who carries this name carry it with honour and dignity.

It seems to me that there is Divine Wisdom behind such controversies as the Satanic Verses affair, the cartoon controversies and more recently the teddy bear issue, no matter what the issue and no matter what the idiotic reaction of some Muslims, the only thing that abides is that non-Muslims seem to take a keen interest in the Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) and Islam after such events.

Consider then those who have this name and are anything but a credit to it, in fact there are those who bring shame and disgrace to such an honoured name but even this has no affect on the name “Muhammad” nor upon the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and grant him peace) whose rank, honour and fame are ever increasing and is mentioned in the Holy Qur’an:

1. Have We not caused thy bosom to dilate,
2. And eased thee of the burden
3. Which weighed down thy back;
4. And did We not exalt thy fame ?
5. But lo! with hardship goeth ease,
6. Lo! with hardship goeth ease;
7. So when thou art relieved, still toil
8. And strive to please thy Lord.

Chapter 94 Surat al-Inshirah – The Consolation

SubhanAllah, “Lo! with hardship goeth ease” is a lesson we should all learn from in times of tribulation.

One thought on ““Did We not exalt your fame?”
reflections on the name “Muhammad”

  1. Sallams Masud bhai. I’m not exaggerating here but this is one of the best posts i have read on your blog. May Allah reward you.

    “They should also be extra mindful of their duties in instilling good character-traits into their child for it is a name that demands that the one who carries this name carry it with honour and dignity.”

    I couldn’t agree more.
    With a name as powerful and beautiful like Muhammad, comes great responsibility. One should strive to their best to live up to the credentials of this most honoured of names.

    May we all live to be like our beloved Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him.

    Please keep us all in your duas and pass our sallams to the Prophet peace be upon him, when you greet him insha Allah.


    P.s. Masud is a nice name 🙂

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