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Author: Mas'ud Ahmed Khan

Mas'ud Ahmed Khan, webmaster of
New Book: Revival of the Religious Science

New Book: Revival of the Religious Science

an Abridgement by Salih Ahmad al-Shami translated by Mokrane Guezzou An abridgement of Al-Ghazali’s Revival of the Religious Sciences translated by Mokrane Guezzou Hardback in a beautifully crafted cloth edition, featuring gold and black blocking, debossed with a traditional Seljuq motif, preserves the Revival as a timeless companion to be cherished for generations to come. Available now from Serenity Productions £40Also available on Amazon UK £45

Grooming and the Nighttime Economy

Grooming and the Nighttime Economy

It is true, and an undeniable fact, that men of a Pakistani background are disproportionately (as a percentage of their demographic) involved in grooming cases, even though the vast majority of sexual abuse, predation, sexual exploitation, paedophillia, rape and sexual crimes are committed and perpetrated mainly by a white male population. The question then turns to why this is the case? The lazy assumption is that there must be something in their culture or religion that makes them behave this…

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Working out the Direction of Prayer

Working out the Direction of Prayer

Recently, I attended a wedding in Birmingham at Nawab’s and there was much confusion over the direction of Qibla. I saw various people praying in three different directions!. The problem arises by using your smartphone compass indoors. You will not get an accurate reading. In fact, you will get multiple different directions depending on where you stand in the building, the construction materials used and whether you get a GPS signal as well. Inside of a building you will get…

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